In the realm of technology, an expansive and constantly evolving domain, we felt the need to embark on a new initiative. Introducing “Thursday Pain Points.”
Our inaugural case study underscores the significance of having a subject matter expert readily available to solidify opportunities. A Value Added Reseller (VAR) specializing in Sage sought our assistance with a specific business scenario involving a prospective Home Builder client. Their requirement centered around implementing a loan draw-down application for various projects. This was the decisive factor – could this be accomplished using Sage Intacct? Lacking the necessary expertise to present this information or demonstrate the business application, the VAR turned to us.
Our contribution went beyond a mere demonstration of the loan draw-down application’s feasibility in Sage Intacct. We also furnished a concise instructional video for a quick learning experience, enhancing their chances of success. Ultimately, the VAR successfully closed the deal, a direct result of our ability to provide specialized knowledge.
This exemplifies the operational dynamic. When you find yourself without all the answers (and rest assured, this is a common situation), it’s wise to connect with individuals who can bridge the knowledge gaps. This is the essence of our “Thursday Pain Point” feature. We trust you’ve gained valuable insights and invite you to stay tuned for more enriching content.